flask Flask HTML CSS Template - Soft UI Dashboard Soft UI Dashboard is an open-source Flask HTML Css Template crafted by AppSeed and Creative-Tim. The product comes with a permissive license and can be downloaded directly from Github.
eleventy Eleventy Soft UI Design - Built with Prismic CMS Open-source static site built with Eleventy (11ty) and Prismic CMS on top of Soft UI Design System - Product is actively supported by AppSeed.
soft-ui Soft UI Dashboard - Start fast with a premium UI This article presents two dashboard templates styled with Soft UI Design, the latest design system from Creative-Tim. The open-source version can be downloaded directly from Github (MIT License).
neumorphism Neumorphism UI Bootstrap - Free Bootstrap Template Free Neumorphism inspired user interface kit crafted by Themesberg in Bootstrap - FREE template.
open-source Open-Source - Random Projects Totally random open-source projects we can use to learn programming or to build new projects on top.
soft-ui Soft UI Design System - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit A curated list styled with Soft UI Design System, a modern and innovative Bootstrap 5 UI Kit from Creative-Tim.
react-templates React Template - Material Kit React Material Kit React - an open-source and free React Template crafted by Creative-Tim. Source code available for download on Github.
vue-dashboard Vue Dashboard - Argon BootstrapVue (FREE) BootstrapVue Argon, an open-source Vue Dashboard provided by Creative-Tim agency on top of BootstrapVue and VueJs.
svelte-admin-template Svelte Admin Template - Notus (Free) Open-source Svelte Admin Template coded in Tailwind and released for free by Creative-Tim.
bootstrap-5 Bootstrap 5 Templates - Open-source and Free A curated list with open-source Bootstrap 5 templates crafted by well-known agencies and released for free.
bootstrap-template Bootstrap Template - Pixel PRO Pixel Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 UI Kit without jQuery featuring over 1000 components, 50+ sections, and 35 example pages - provided by Themesberg.
django-template Django Template - Argon Dashboard A simple and free Django Template coded with authentication, database, and deployment scripts on top of Argon Dashboard design.
admin-dashboard Paper Dashboard - Free Admin Dashboard Paper Dashboard - a free and open-source admin dashboard provided by Creative-Tim agency.