app-generator Flask App Generator - Free Service Open-source and free App Generator for Flask, a leading backend framework - Customize Auth, Database, DevTools, and Deployment options.
flask Flask Datta Able - Bootstrap 5 Update Starter updated to use Bootstrap 5 design, Extended user profiles, CI/CD integration with Render - open-source starter.
flask-security Flask-Security-Too (With Sample) How to use Flask-Security-Too in a Flask project - Step-by-Step tutorial
tailwind-css Tailwind & Flask - Free Starter Open-source starter powered by Flask and Tailwind CSS, two leading technologies for the modern web - Rocket-Flask is actively supported by AppSeed.
react React & Flask - Argon Design (Free, Generated Product) Full-Stack Seed project generated by React App Generator top of Argon Design design from Creative-Tim - Sources saved on GitHub (MIT License).
flask Flask Soft Design - CI,CD / Open-Source Starter This material explains how to Go LIVE in minutes with Soft UI Design, a popular Flask starter enhanced with database, authentication, DB Tools, and CI,CD flow via Render.
flask Flask Gradient Able - CI,CD / Open-Source Starter This material explains how to Go LIVE in minutes with Gradient Able, a popular Flask starter enhanced with database, authentication, DB Tools, and CI,CD flow via Render.
adminlte Go LIVE with AdminLTE & Flask - CI/CD via Render Learn how to Go LIVE with Flask and AdminLTE via the Render deployment platform - The product is released by AppSeed on GitHub under the MIT License.
stripe Flask & Stripe eComm - Deploy LIVE on Render Create a simple eCommerce powered by Flask & Stripe and later Go LIVE on Render in just a few minutes.
app-generator Generate a Flask APP and Go LIVE - Material Kit Design This video explains how to use tools to generate full-stack apps in no time on top of Flask and Material Design. Generated code is saved on GitHub (MIT License).
react React & Flask (HorizonUI) - Generate and deploy LIVE in 5min This video explains how to use tools to generate full-stack apps in no time on top of React & Flask. Generated code is saved on GitHub (MIT License).
flask Flask API Generator and View - Free Product Open-Source API Generator updated to support an API view in templates - Soft UI Dashboard Design.
flask Generate APIs in Flask without coding - Open-Source Project A simple tool for generating secure API services using Flask - an Open-source generator provided by AppSeed.
flask Flask Black Dashboard PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles Premium Flask starter enhanced with OAuth (GitHub & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, and Docker support - Black Dashboard Design.
flask Flask Soft Dashboard - OAuth, Dark-Mode, Docker Open-source seed project enhanced with OAuth for Github, Dark-Mode, DB tools (Flask-Migrate), and Docker Support - Soft Dashboard Design.
flask Flask Example OAuth Github - Free Product Open-source Flask Starter enhanced with OAuth for Github, DB tools (Flask-Migrate), and Docker Support - Datta Able Design.
flask Flask Argon Design PRO - New Product Premium Seed Project crafted on top of Argon Design System and Flask. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
flask Flask OAuth, API, Extended Profiles - Volt Dashboard PRO Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI for Flask Volt Dashboard (premium starter).
flask Flask API for Products & Sales This video material presents the API provided by Flask Datta Able (premium starter) on top of two tables: Product & Sales.
flask Flask Datta PRO - #Updated: OAuth, Products API, UX Improvements Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI - premium Flask starter (premium starter)
flask Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile, Admin ROLE Latest evolutions of Flask Volt PRO: extended profile for users, ADMIN role, improved authentication - Premium Starter.
flask Flask Soft PRO - User Profiles, Improved Authentication Latest updates: extended user profiles, admin role, improved authentication, and Docker scripts - premium starter.
datta-able Datta Able PRO Flask - OAuth, Reset Password, Secured API Latest updates of Datta Flask PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, extended user profiles, change password component, improved UI/UX.
flask Flask - Open-Source Starters A curated list of seed projects crafted with basic modules on top of Flask, a leading backend framework powered by Python.
flask Pixel Boostrap 5 - Open-Source Flask Template Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Flask with database, authentication, and Docker - Pixel Boostrap 5 by AppSeed.