black-dashboard Django Black PRO ⚡️UPDATE A premium Django Starter updated to provide Datatables, Charts, Celery, File Manager, and Docker support - Black Dashboard PRO Design
black-dashboard Django Black PRO - Updated (CI/CD, Theme-able UI) This article presents the latest updates of Django Black PRO (premium starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
django Django Black Dashboard - Persistent Dark-Mode, Docker Premium Django Starter built with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap Design.
react Black Dashboard React - Free Template Black Dashboard React is a beautiful Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components - Open-Source Product.
appseed Django Black Dashboard (Video) Learn how to use AppSeed and generate simple starters on top of Black Dashboard, a nice UI provided by Creative-Tim
flask-template Flask Black Dashboard - Open-Source Template Open-source Flask Dashboard generated by AppSeed with authentication, database, basic modules, and deployment scripts on top of Black Dashboard UI (free version).
react Black Dashboard React - Free Template Open-Source React Template crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim. Black Dashboard React can be downloaded and used for commercial projects.
flask-template Flask Black Dashboard - Free Template Open-source Flask Template crafted with authentication, database, and Docker support on top of Black Design, a pixel-perfect Boostrap 4 design from Creative-Tim.
black-dashboard Black Dashboard Design - Free Starters A curated list with open-source starters and templates crafted on top of Black Dashboard Design, a beautiful Bootstrap 4 design from Creative-Tim.