soft-ui-dashboard Soft Dashboard PRO - Django | Updated Read more about the latest update of Django Soft Dashboard PRO, a popular SaaS Starter enhanced with API, Charts, DataTables, Docker, and Media Files manager.
flask Flask Datta Able - Bootstrap 5 Update Starter updated to use Bootstrap 5 design, Extended user profiles, CI/CD integration with Render - open-source starter.
django-generator Generate and Deploy Django Starters This video explains how to Generate a new Django project and later deploy it LIVE using AppSeed, an opensource service
app-generator Rocket Generator is LIVE - Build Django Starters with Ease Choose your favorite design, customize and generate Apps and APIs on top of Django, a leading Python framework.
app-generator Rocket Generator — Code Apps and APIs on top of Django …fast Learn how to generate APPs and APIs on top of Django, using the Rocket Generator - a new Service provided by AppSeed.
react React & Flask - Argon Design (Free, Generated Product) Full-Stack Seed project generated by React App Generator top of Argon Design design from Creative-Tim - Sources saved on GitHub (MIT License).
app-generator Generate a Flask APP and Go LIVE - Material Kit Design This video explains how to use tools to generate full-stack apps in no time on top of Flask and Material Design. Generated code is saved on GitHub (MIT License).
react React & Flask (HorizonUI) - Generate and deploy LIVE in 5min This video explains how to use tools to generate full-stack apps in no time on top of React & Flask. Generated code is saved on GitHub (MIT License).
appseed Go LIVE with Full-Stack projects | AppSeed & Render This material explains how to use free tools and Go LIVE with full-stack products using the Render Deployment Platform.
django Django API Generator - Open-Source Project A simple tool for generating secure API services using Django - an Open-source generator provided by AppSeed.
react React App Generator - Horizon UI (Chakra UI Design) This article explains how to use AppSeed and generate a full-stack React App powered by a simple NodeJS API Server - Sources are published automatically on Github (MIT license).