Svelte Admin Template - Notus (Free)
Open-source Svelte Admin Template coded in Tailwind and released for free by Creative-Tim.

This article presents an open source Svelte Admin Template provided by Creative-Tim on top of a nice combo: Tailwind and Svelte. For newcomers, Svelte is a popular JS Framework used to code user interfaces using a radical new approach compared to traditional frameworks like React and Vue.
Thanks for reading!
- Svelte Admin Template - Notus, the product page
- Svelte Admin Template - Demo, the LIVE deployment

This UI kit comes with many components, pre-built pages and modern tooling (Nodejs/Sapper).
Notus Svelte is Free and Open Source. It features multiple HTML and Svelte elements and it comes with dynamic components for Svelte. Start your development with a Free Tailwind CSS and Svelte UI Kit and Admin. Let Notus Svelte amaze you with its cool features and build tools and get your project to a whole new level.
- Introduction - a project summary
- Admin Section - Dashboard, Settings, Tables, Maps
- Authentication - Login, Register
- Presentation - Landing & Profile

Profile Page - Svelte Notus

Profile Page - Svelte Notus

Login Page - Svelte Notus

What is Svelte
Svelte is a JS Framework that provides a new approach to code user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.
Svelte provides a different approach to building web apps than some of the other frameworks covered in this module. While frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the user's browser while the app is running, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens only when you build your app, producing highly-optimized vanilla JavaScript.
A few advantages of using Svelte
- Svelte is Fast - the execution time is fast because Svelte surgically updates only the parts of the DOM that change. In contrast to React, Vue.js, and other Virtual DOM frameworks, Svelte doesn’t use a virtual DOM.
- Svelte is Small - when a Svelte app is compiled, the resulting bundle size is tiny compared to most other popular frameworks.
- Svelte is Compiled - the reason Svelte apps are so tiny is because Svelte, in addition to being a framework, is also a compiler.
More Svelte resources
- Svelte JS - the official website
- Getting started with Svelte - hosted by Mozilla
- What is Svelte - a short introduction provided by AppSeed