Simple Flask Starter - Generated by AppSeed using Soft Design

Learn how to generate a Flask Dashboard on top of Soft UI Design using AppSeed Generator - Video Content.

Learn how to use AppSeed and generate a Flask Dashboard in no-time.
Learn how to use AppSeed and generate a Flask Dashboard in no-time.

Hello! This video explains how to use Soft UI Dashboard, the latest design integrated into AppSeed and generate a simple dashboard starter. For newcomers, Flask is a leading web framework powered by Python and AppSeed is a platform that uses in-house automation tools to generate web apps on top of modern UI Kits. Thanks for reading!

Learn how to use AppSeed and generate a simple Flask project on top of Soft UI Dashboard.

✨Covered topics

  • 👉 AppSeed overview
  • 👉 How to use the generator
  • 👉 How to select the design and the project options
  • 👉 Download the generated code (ZIP archive)
  • 👉 Build the app in a local environment using Docker
  • 👉 Update the assets path for production

Thanks for reading!