React App Generator - Horizon UI (Chakra UI Design)

This article explains how to use AppSeed and generate a full-stack React App powered by a simple NodeJS API Server - Sources are published automatically on Github (MIT license).

React App Generator - Horizon UI (open-source version)
React App Generator - Horizon UI (open-source version)

Hello! This article explains how to generate a full-stack product that uses a React UI and a simple Node JS API for the backend logic. The source code is provided as a ZIP archive and is also saved on Github (MIT license) for later use. For newcomers, AppSeed is a platform that uses in-house developed automation tools to generate web apps in different patterns and programming languages. Thanks for reading!

The UI (template version) is crafted by Simmmple on top of the Chakra Library and released under the MIT license on Github.

React App Generator - Horizon UI Dashboard

Video Transcript

The video starts with a short presentation of AppSeed and the APP Generator. once the Soft Ui Dashboard design is selected, the product is generated using NodeJS as the backend technology:

  • ✅ Access the React App Generator page
  • ✅ Select the React Horizon UI Dashboard Design
  • ✅ Select the API server from a shortlist
  • Configure the DB Layer and Docker Support
  • Generate and download the code
  • Compile the product using VsCode Editor
  • Register new users and authenticate.

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