flask Flask Soft PRO - User Profiles, Improved Authentication Latest updates: extended user profiles, admin role, improved authentication, and Docker scripts - premium starter.
next-js Next JS Material Dashboard - Premium Template Next JS Material Dashboard PRO is a Premium Material-UI, React, and NextJS Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design.
vue-dashboard Xtreme Vue Admin Lite - Free Template Open-Source Template crafted by WrapPixel on top of Vue using a modern Material Design - Free product.
material-design Material Kit - Free Bootstrap 5 Design Open-Source UI kit crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Material Design specifications - Free product (MIT License).
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datta-able Datta Able PRO Flask - OAuth, Reset Password, Secured API Latest updates of Datta Flask PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, extended user profiles, change password component, improved UI/UX.
black-design Black Dashboard - Free BS4 Design Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of a pixel-perfect Black Design - Free product (MIT License).
vue Vue3 Material Dashboard - Free Product Open-Source Material Dashboard design crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Vue.js 3 - Free product.
flask Flask - Open-Source Starters A curated list of seed projects crafted with basic modules on top of Flask, a leading backend framework powered by Python.
flask Pixel Boostrap 5 - Open-Source Flask Template Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Flask with database, authentication, and Docker - Pixel Boostrap 5 by AppSeed.
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react Paper Kit React - Open-Source KIT Open-Source React Kit crafted by Creative-Tim on top of paper design - Free product.
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django Django Soft Dashboard PRO - Extended Profiles, Improved AUTH Premium Django Starter crafted with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design.
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vuetify Vuetify Material Dashboard Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Vuetify Library - Vue Material Dashboard is a free product.
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angular Now UI Kit Angular - Free Product Open-Source UI Kit crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Now UI Design and Angular Framework - Free product (MIT license).
dark-mode Dark Admin Dashboards - Open-Source and Free A curated list with dark-themed admin dashboards released under permissive licenses on Github - Free products only.
creative-tim Creative-Tim Promo Bundle - 85% OFF 102 premium starters discounted with 85% - Promo Bundle crafted by Creative-Tim.
django-template Django Material Dashboard PRO Premium Django Starter built with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design.
django-template Material Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-Source Django Template built with basic modules, authentication, and Docker scripts on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design.
argon Argon Design System - Free Angular Kit Open-Source Design System crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Argon and Angular - Free product.