Now UI Dashboard - Free React Template
Open-Source Dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Now UI Design and React v18 - Free product.

Hello! This article presents Now UI Dashboard, an open-source React Template crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim. The product comes with 7 sample pages, 20 UI Components, up-to-date dependencies, support, and a permissive license (free for commercial use). For newcomers, React is a leading JS library used to code interactive user interfaces baked by Facebook.
- 👉  Now UI Dashboard React - product page
- 👉  Now UI Dashboard React - LIVE demo

✨ Product Highlights
The product represents a big suite of front-end developer tools that can help you jump-start your project. It comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs.
- ✅ Modern stack: React v18
- ✅ UI: Now UI, 7 pages, 20 Components
- ✅ Active versioning & Support
- ✅ MIT License (free for commercial use)
Now UI Dashboard React contains multiple handpicked and optimized plugins. Everything is designed to fit with one another.
Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.