Django API Generator - Open-Source Project
A simple tool for generating secure API services using Django - an Open-source generator provided by AppSeed.
Hello! This article presents an open-source tool able to generate secure APIs using Django as backend technology. Soft UI Dashboard, the starter that incorporates the generator, is published on GitHub and based on the permissive (MIT) license, can be used in commercial projects or eLearning activities. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Soft UI Dashboard Django - source code
- 👉 Soft UI Dashboard Django - product page
A video material that demonstrates the process can be found on YouTube (link below). Here is the transcript of the presentation:
- ✅ Download the project using GIT
- ✅ Start in Docker
- ✅ Access and interact with the Books API (CRUD calls)
- ✅ Register a new model
- ✅ Re-Start in Docker
- ✅ The new API node (Cities) is generated
- ✅ Access and use the new API identity