app-generator Flask App Generator - Free Service Open-source and free App Generator for Flask, a leading backend framework - Customize Auth, Database, DevTools, and Deployment options.
soft-ui-dashboard Soft Dashboard PRO - Django | Updated Read more about the latest update of Django Soft Dashboard PRO, a popular SaaS Starter enhanced with API, Charts, DataTables, Docker, and Media Files manager.
flask Flask Datta Able - Bootstrap 5 Update Starter updated to use Bootstrap 5 design, Extended user profiles, CI/CD integration with Render - open-source starter.
creative-tim Soft UI Dashboard - Free product crafted by Creative-Tim A pixel-perfect dashboard crafted by Creative-Tim updated to version 3 - Open-source template
material-design Material Kit 3 The latest Freebie Bootstrap 5 UI Kit with a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design - Crafted by Creative-Tim.
django Build Dynamic Services using Django | VIDEO This material explains how to build dynamic services like APIs, Data Tables, and Charts using Django and CSV files as data input.
django Dynamic Django - API, Server-Side DataTables, and Charts without coding The latest starter shipped by AppSeed allows you to create dynamic services (APIs, DataTables, and Charts) without coding.
csv-loader Process big CSV Files (local or remote) in Django/Python Process big CSV Files (local or remote) in Django/Python. This article presents a tool incorporated in the Django AdminLTE
django Dynamic DataTables in Django (PRO Starter) Dynamic DataTables, a simple way to manage the information using paginated views - Built with Django & AdminLTE
django-generator Generate and Deploy Django Starters This video explains how to Generate a new Django project and later deploy it LIVE using AppSeed, an opensource service
django-template AdminLTE - React Integration, Improved DataTables AdminLTE and React Integration, Improved Datatables - latest features provided by a premium Django Starter
soft-ui Django Soft PRO - Improved DataTables, Charts, API Latest updates of Soft Dashboard - a premium Django Starter enhanced with DataTables, API, and Charts.
appseed AppSeed v2 (Open-Source) - Highlights A few insights regarding the new version of AppSeed (open-source): Generator, AI Tools, CLI, and API access for all features.
django Django - Adding Hot Reload (with sample) Learn how to improve your development speed by adding the Hot Reload feature for templates and statics in a Django-based project.
tailwind-css Flask & Tailwind PRO Premium Seed Project crafted on top of Tailwind/Flowbite and Flask. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
ecommerce Rocket eCommerce FIGMA The FIGMA release of Rocket eCommerce starter, a simple yet powerful boilerplate built with all the core essentials for a powerful eCommerce - crafted by AppSeed.
adminlte Django AdminLTE PRO Premium Seed Project crafted on top of AdminLTE Design and Django. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
ecommerce Rocket eCommerce A simple, yet powerful eCommerce CMS Starter, powered by Stripe, Tailwind, and Django - actively supported by AppSeed.
next-js NextJS Tailwind Blog Page Sleek and user-friendly blog post template built on the foundation of Tailwind CSS and Material Tailwind - crafted by Creative-Tim.
ecommerce Rocket eCommerce 🚀 Premium eCommerce starter powered by Django, Stripe, Docker and uses (almost) Zero Configuration - crafted by AppSeed.
black-dashboard Django Black PRO ⚡️UPDATE A premium Django Starter updated to provide Datatables, Charts, Celery, File Manager, and Docker support - Black Dashboard PRO Design
django Django Datta PRO ⚡️UPDATE A premium Django Starter updated to provide Datatables, Charts, Celery, File Manager and Docker support.
flask-security Flask-Security-Too (With Sample) How to use Flask-Security-Too in a Flask project - Step-by-Step tutorial
next-js Desgy NextJS Free NextJS Template with several additional features that is eye-catching and elegantly designed by AdminMart
django Django Deploy LIVE [VIDEO] Learn how to push LIVE Rocket Django, an open-source starter crafted and actively supported by AppSeed.