AstroLaunch UI

AstroLaunch UI is a free starter template built with the powerful combination of Astro, React, and Material Tailwind - Crafted by Creative-Tim.

AstroLaunch - Open-Source Astro, React, and Material Tailwind starter
AstroLaunch UI - Open-Source Astro, React, and Material Tailwind starter

Hello! This article presents AstroLaunch UI, an open-source starter crafted and actively supported by Creative-Tim. The product, built with React, and Material Tailwind, can be used for small eCommerce projects and MVP prototyping. Thanks for reading!

Main Features - With AstroLaunch UI, you gain access to a free collection of fully coded elements, example pages, and blocks. Whether you're a startup, working on a landing page, or managing a blog, our Astro template has got you covered.

AstroLaunch UI - About US Component, by Creative-Tim
AstroLaunch UI - About US Component

Example Pages See the free example pages available with AstroLaunch UI: Auth Pages, Landing Page, and About Us.

AstroLaunch UI - User Card, by Creative Tim
AstroLaunch UI - User Card

Packed with a plethora of features, this product is designed to elevate your web development experience to new heights.

AstroLaunch UI - Product Cards, by Creative-Tim
AstroLaunch UI - Product Cards

Learn more about Astro

Astro is an open-source web framework. It’s focused on performance and content-heavy websites like landing pages, blogs, technical documentation, and more.

Unlike some other frameworks, Astro is HTML-first, outputs zero JavaScript by default, and supports both static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering(SSR).

For more information, feel free to access:

Astro - The Official Cover
Astro - The Official Cover